Wednesday, January 31, 2018

We Are Past the Halfway Point!!

It is difficult to think that we are closing in on the 100th day of the school year, but according to our first graders, this is the case.

In fifth grade, we have a few noteworthy things going on. First, we all would like to welcome Marisa Sprague from MCLA who is completing her certification requirements by student teaching with us until early May. Marisa will slowly take control of the entire class under my supervision. Currently, she has taken over math instruction and will take the reins in social studies next week. This is a wonderful opportunity for all students because we will be able to give them much more individualized attention at a crucial time of the school year.

The second noteworthy item in fifth grade is that we have begun a Legacy Project. Many of the students have spent their entire school career at Becket Washington School and are nearing the end of this time. As a way to give back to the school and benefit those who will be students long after these fifth graders have moved on, we are creating a library of QR coded audio books. Students are working with partners to read and record picture books for our younger readers. This QR library is being shared with pre-school, kindergarten, first grade, and the library. We hope that these books will be listened to and read for many years to come.